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艺术中国 | 时间: 2009-08-21 08:20:05 | 文章来源: 艺术中国


我的人文主义 My Humanism



 Initially, I paint for and to Chinese people.


Conflicting against the tremendous materialism of the civil and commercial society coming into being and faith being absent. my psychical experience has generated a kind of spiritualized and faithful art, which is to be helpful for the spiritual life in this territory, and is to construct spiritual values.



During these two decades, these hasn’t reached a common understanding about the enlightenment of man in the intellectual circle of China, and I insist that what Chinese people lack is a kind of neoteric enlightenment──the establishment of an enlightened independent character. In my opinion, Confucianism is not able to undertake this task, although it has been elucidated and interpreted from generation to generation.



 I accomplish the sense of psychical sublimation with the unification of introspective figures and oriental poetic quality.



As to the creative principles, I consolidate my personal artistic quality with classic historical experiences, to form what I call “the compound experience”, to resist the transitory contemporary culture, and I try my best to enable my art to have the major expressive power and historic highness, which are form of old, and to accomplish the complex and difficult integration of the ancient and the modern, the eastern and the western.



In this crisis-ridden world, I hope to bring these foremost human values back to people’s life──honesty, love, dignity and introspection.


朝 戈

Chao Ge


May 1.2009

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