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美籍华裔藏家张明Richard Chang赞助Anish Kapoor个展

艺术中国 | 时间: 2009-09-21 10:09:28 | 文章来源: artspy艺术眼

White sand, Red millet, Many Flowers, 1982

Mixed media and pigment

4 elements

101 x 241.5 x 217.4 cm

Collection Arts Council, South Bank Centre, London


Svayambh, 2007

Wax and oil-based paint

Dimensions variable

Photo: Cecile Clos, Nantes

Installation: Musee des Beaux-Arts de Nantes


Shooting into the Corner, 2008-2009

Mixed media

Dimensions variable

Installation: Anish Kapoor. Shooting into the Corner, 2009, MAK, Vienna

Photo: Wolfgang Woessner

Courtesy: the artist and MAK, Vienna


From left to right:

Non Object (Door), 2008

239 x 202 x 202 cm

Non Object (Pole), 2008

239 x 202 x 202 cm

Vertigo, 2008

217.8 x 480.1 x 101.6 cm

All works stainless steel


Yellow, 1999

Fibreglass and pigment

600 x 600 x 300 cm

Photo: Dave Morgan

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