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Pulse Quickens After 2008 Lull

艺术中国 | 时间: 2009-12-11 14:50:24 | 文章来源: 艺术中国

Airan Kang's 的50本系列个人书籍在布莱斯Wolkowitz画廊展出,出售,4500美元/本


玛丽亚何塞阿霍纳表演过脉冲。图为“誓词2” (2009年)

MIAMI—“With Money It Will Change,” reads a message on a bumper sticker in a new drawing by Brooklyn-based artist Mads Lynnerup at Austin, Texas, gallerist Lora Reynolds’s booth at this year’s Pulse Art Fair. The pithy phrase could serve as a motto for the fifth edition of the Art Basel Miami Beach satellite, which moved to the former NADA fair digs at Miami's Ice Palace this year and saw brisk sales in line with what appears to be a revived market for contemporary art. “It’s been outstanding,” said Leigh Conner of Washington, D.C., gallery Conner Contemporary, standing in the orange glow of a new digital light sculpture by Leo Villareal that had just sold to an American collector for $75,000. She added that in the fair’s first day and a half she had been reconnecting with clients from Europe that she hadn’t seen in more than a year.

Collectors like Toby Devan Lewis and Susan and Michael Hort were on hand for the opening preview, as were museum directors including Louis Gracchos of the Albright-Knox Art Gallery in Buffalo, New York, and Sherri Geldin of the Wexner Arts Center in Columbus, Ohio. Wexner trustee Ron Pizzuti dropped by the stand of Los Angeles gallery Angles and picked up a new painting by young L.A. artist Annie Lapin, for $8,200.

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