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艺术中国 | 时间: 2007-03-19 17:22:47 | 文章来源: 《中国艺术家》

Artistic Lights from Shi Qin’s Artistic Works-Interview with young woman realist painter Shi Qin







● 自由的笔触,绚丽的色彩,映照出诗琴艺术激情的涌动,愿诗琴新作更加奔放、更加多彩。——刘秉江(中央民族大学美术学院教授、油画家、中国油画协会理事。)
● 诗琴创作的油画《艺术之光》是一种高深文化的表现,很有创意。——陈丹青(清华美术学院教授、著名油画家、博士生导师。)
● 作品生动、色彩亮丽,很好,就这样画下去吧!——靳尚谊(原中央美术学院院长,现任中国美术家协会主席,著名油画家。)
● 你的画非常有味道、有特色,艺术生命永存!——杨飞云(中国艺术研究院,中国美术院一级画家,著名油画家,博士生导师原中央美术学院油画系教授。)
● 你画的油画色彩很好,你还年轻,你现在是大海里航行,我给你指一个路标,少走弯路,早日到达。你以后还要多画一些油画作品,拿过来我给看看。——吴冠中(清华美术学院教授,著名画家,全国政协委员。)
● 啊!油画《艺术之光》真令人震撼,这么多艺术大师聚集在一起,很有意思。  ——钟涵(中央美术学院油画系教授 油画家。) 
● 尽精致而达广大,明妙理方行自由,佳句赠诗琴。并说:诗琴你的画很珍贵。——濮存昕(原北京人民艺术剧院院长,著名表演艺术家。)
● 你油画、国画都画,发展下去,会有成就的。——刘大为(中国美术家协会常务副主席,著名国画家。)
● 前途远大!——朱乃正(中央美术学院副院长,著名油画家, 1990年于中央美术学院题。)
● 五彩缤纷,美不胜收。——韩美林 (中国美术家协会理事,著名画家。)
● 你的画很大气,人才难得。——梅墨生(中国画研究院副教授,著名美术评论家。)
● 梦幻成图。——启功(原北京师范大学古典文学系教授,著名书法家。)
● 看了你的创作作品我很震撼,你俱备很好的天份和悟性,你还有最优秀的人品和气质,我很崇拜你,不过你别骄傲,实践加理论,开创自己的东西,必成大业!——长青(中国一位企业家、收藏家。)
● 你好,天才的美女画家,你是一位多才多艺有着深厚文化底韵和内涵的画家,画得格调很好,很大气,有风度,只有具备此格才俱备谈画格、人格,你已俱备此人格魅力,且画的质量好。——赵俊(中国一位企业家)
● 你画的太好了!太美好!我要珍藏。——德国总统施罗德(于钓鱼台国宾馆)

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 Artistic Lights from Shi Qin’s Artistic Works-Interview with young woman realist painter Shi Qin

By LUO ERCHUN (Professor of the Oil Department of the Central Academy of Fine Art)

After graduated from the Department of Printmaking of China Academy of Fine Art, Shi Qin entered the class for master degree of Fresco Department of the academy and later, studied at the class of the master degree at the Oil Painting Department. She learned from Prof. Zhong Han, Prof. Su Gaoli and Prof. Yang Feiyun. She specially learned from Chinese famous painter Wu Guanzhong and actively inherits Wu’s painting style and aesthetics conception. She is good at oil painting with bright brushworks and vivid images. Her oil painting Red Lily, Red Peony and the Still Life Before the Frame have strong aesthetic feelings and are attractive. Her painting Light of the Art, which was painted just before graduation, fully demonstrated features of various painting masters such as Da Vinci, Vincent van Gogh and Pablo Picasso.
Starting 1990, Shi Qin serves as art editor of Beijing Review under the China International Publishing Group. Currently, she is the professional artist at the group, and the editor-in-chief and the senior editor of China Artists. Owing to her hard work in her artist creation, I believe she will make greater achievements.
Entrusted by the state, in 1984, she participating in the designing of the relief sculpture of panda gold coins, which was present to U.S. then president Ronald Reagan; in 1994, her painting The Great Wall was exhibited at the Exhibition of World Woman Paintings and was exhibited at the World Bank in Washington, which was later compiled into books; in 1995, her painting the Light of Art was exhibited at the Central Academy of Fine Art and was published at the inside front cover of Chinese Literature; in 2000, her painting Red Peony was collected at the Fine Art Volume of China Today.
In 1989, her etching, series of women’s body, was collected by a Swedish business man; in 1995, her propylene painting Side Face was collected by the Central Academy of Fine Art; in 1996, her oil painting Ji was collected by famous oil painter Chen Yifei; in 2006, her Chinese traditional painting Green Mountains and Waters was collected by the Diaoyutai Statehouse. There are other paintings that were collected by individuals and the state. In 2007, she will go to New York, Los Angeles and San Francisco for painting exhibitions.
Shi Qin is being attracted by the fine art circle in recent years, which also stimulates her to go deeper into the life and learn from other painting masters to create her own art styles.




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