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艺术中国 | 时间: 2009-04-27 17:55:08 | 文章来源: 艺术中国

    In this exhibition, the four artists, Eemyun Kang (b.1981), Hayoung Kim (b.1983), Hyuk Kwon (b.1966) and Junghyun Yoo (b.1973) represent different types of “Koreaness” in their thoughts and creation behind their art works. They all had education and experiences in different countries such as USA, Germany and the UK. All of them are from different age groups who experienced the different face of Korean society in their teens and 20s during the country’s ever fast growing economy in 80s, 90s and the new millennium. As the country’s economic status grew steeply, its social and traditional norms have also changed dramatically.

Eemyun Kang_Waving souls_oil on canvas_165x250cm_2005

Eemyun Kang_Holding my heart_oil on canvas_183x183cm_2005


    Kang’s work is based on mythologies intermingled with her contemporary imagination which is sometimes politically pungent with vigorous brush strokes and vivid colours. Kim’s work represents the fragility and delicateness of youth, however, the inner energy that supports the artist to stand and move on. Kwon is an international traveler and has conducted several interactive projects in many countries. The idea comes from very traditional Korean motifs, but the result is visually diverse and engaging. Especially, her installation and painting works are from the year-long “Nanuda” (which means to share or divide or Chinese 8 八) project. Lastly, Yoo’s work has soothing effect as the process of her painting has a lot to do with oriental goodness of ‘patience’ and ‘modest’. The deepest essence is unavoidably the goodness of “Confucius” philosophies especially for Yoo and Kwon.


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