VOLTA于2005年由来自芝加哥的资深画廊主KAVI GUPTA, 柏林WOHNMACHINE的FRIEDRICH LOOCK,法兰克福的ULRICH VOGES和来自美国的AMANDA COULSON组织举办的以新艺术和前卫艺术为主的当代艺术博览会。四年来,VOLTA已经从当年的小型艺术精品展会,发展到如今巴塞尔诸多卫星展会的领军人物。2008年,VOLTA被经营纽约军械库展会的同一家公司纳入旗下,同年开始VOLTA纽约(个展)展会。
从2007年开始,VOLTA展会参展商由一个独立的策展评委小组选定。2009年的评委包括:KUNSTHAUS GRAZ的策展人暨MANIFESTA 7的策展人Adam Budak;来自苏黎世的独立评论家兼策展人Christoph Doswald;伦敦HAYWARD的策展人暨2008年普善双年展策展人Tom Morton;来自维也纳的策展人兼作家Jasper Sharp和来自芝加哥SMART美术馆的策展人Stephanie Smith。
今年的VOLTA展会将在历史悠久的THE MARKTHALLE举行。THE MARKTHALLE是欧洲最大的圆顶之一建筑,也是巴塞尔设计展的前展会所在地。
55 from Shanghai has confirmed its debut at VOLTA this June. It has become the first Chinese art space appearing at this much acclaimed cutting-edge art fair.
VOLTA is a platform for presenting the vision of contemporary art galleries of global repute whose artists represent new and relevant positions for curators and collectors alike. Conceived to bridge a gap between Basel's pre-existing fairs, VOLTA showcases galleries -- whether young or mature -- that choose as their mandate to work with the most exciting emerging artists. The galleries are selected by an annually changing group of Curators to give each edition its own clear identity and to redirect focus back on the art producers as well as their representing galleries.
VOLTA 5 will move to a stunning new location for its fifth edition in Basel from June 8th-13th, 2009. The Markthalle, one of Europe’s largest cupola structures, is located steps away from the main railway station (SBB) and five short tram stops away from the Messe. Completed in 1929, the prominent dome is one of the highlights of the city skyline, welcoming all Basel visitors arriving at the central railway station or from the airport by direct bus. With a usable surface of 2,600 sq. meters, the Martkhalle sets a new standard for VOLTA5, which will move from its former home in the industrial harbor area to the very heart of the city, taking the organization up to a new level of professionalism.
VOLTA’s distinctive mark has always been an open and fresh view toward the fair’s architecture and now this will be underscored in its landmark setting. The new situation is not only an improvement in form and geographical location, but also presents new possibilities in moving from the restricted harbor hall.
The 2009 Curatorial Board—composed of Adam Budak, Curator of Kunsthaus Graz and co-curator of Manifesta 7; Christoph Doswald, Art Critic and Curator, Zurich; Tom Morton, Curator, The Hayward, London and co-curator 2008 Busan Biennale; Jasper Sharp, curator and writer, Vienna; and Stephanie Smith, Curator at Smart Museum of Art, Chicago—will be selecting galleries from over 350 applications.
VOLTAshow01 — founded by Kavi Gupta (Kavi Gupta, Chicago), Friedrich Loock (Wohnmaschine, Berlin), Ulrich Voges (Voges + Partner, Frankfurt) and Amanda Coulson—premiered in 2005, parallel to Art Basel and attracted over 10,000 visitors. Conceived as a tightly-edited, reduced event that would focus solely on new, cutting-edge production, the booths were all the same size, diminishing the sense of competition, while interchange and intersection were encouraged between the wide range of international exhibitors in order to create a relaxed atmosphere that was more boutique than shopping mall.
In 2006, VOLTAshow02 was presented an expanded format in a bigger location in the Basel harbor. While allowing for almost double the number of exhibiting international galleries, a project section dedicated to emerging artist solo presentations, specialized publications and a riverside café, the fair still maintained its charming, intimate atmosphere —a lustrous pearl in the rough shell of its industrial setting. On opening day The Art Newspaper declared "VOLTA Gets Even Better!"
VOLTAshow03 and VOLTA4 consolidated the fair's success in the industrial Ultra Brag location and introduced a new model so as to maintain the focus on content. Continuing the original idea of presenting a boutique event that is more exhibition than trade fair, a Curatorial Board was conceived to advise in the selection process. Breaking away from the traditional fair format of having a committee of galleries judge their peers, VOLTA asked internationally-known art critics and curators to bring their expertise to the table.
8th – 13th June, 2009
Markthalle, Viaduktstrasse 10, 4054 Basel, Switzerland
Previews: 8th June, 11 a.m. – 4 p.m.
General Opening: 8th June, 6 p.m. – 8 p.m.
Daily: 9th - 13th June, 12 – 8 p.m.
55’s participating artists:
Li Wenqiang; Ren Jie; Sun Yao; Xie Caomin; Yu Xuhong; Zhang Ping & Zhang Wei.