BEIJING August 15, 2009—Red Gate Gallery will open Back to Basics: Traditional Inkwash as a Contemporary Vision on September 19, 2009 at the Watchtower. The show will be curated by Zhang Yu and will feature his work as well as pieces by Zhang Hao, Li Huasheng and Liu Xuguang.
Zhang Yu’s curatorial focus will be the original techniques and methods of inkwash aesthetics. The selection of works will endeavor to illustrate how the traditional medium relates to contemporary artistic expression.
“One hallmark of Chinese contemporary art is daring media experimentation,” says Red Gate Director Tally Beck. “This exploration has logically led to a close investigation of this indigenous medium. Also, I have noticed piqued interest in inkwash internationally. Dealers and gallerists in the U.S. and Europe inquire about the new developments frequently.”
There will be an opening reception on Saturday, September 19 from 3:00 to 5:00 p.m. The exhibition runs through October 7.

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