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尤伦斯当代艺术中心 艺术日历

艺术中国 | 时间: 2010-03-02 15:40:02 | 文章来源: 艺术中国

3月13日 10:30-12:00

“中国新设计”系列 20:寻找失去的设计


Lost & Found是一家成立于2008年,致力于制作朴素、地道、耐久的家具、衣物、文具的小店。它的创始人将在这次讲座中和大家一起聊聊她们是如何从中国40至70年代旧物中发掘好设计(某些设计甚至是因为工艺所限而无意中形成的)并进行改良、再设计,最后生产出符合当下生活美感、耐用、朴素的家具或生活用品的。

March 13, 10:30-12:00

Series “China New Design” 20: Finding Lost Design

Auditorium / Entry Free / In Chinese Only

In this lecture, the company’s founders discuss how to find excellent design, reforming Chinese design from the 1940s to 1970s, created due to technical limitations, and creating aesthetic, durable, and simple furniture and supplies.


3月14日 10:30-12:30




March 14, 10:30-12:30

"Rebirth of Folk Art” - CHP Cooperation Series 2 : The Mengma Archive - Helping the Dai minority protect its own cultural heritage

Auditorium / Entry Free / In Chinese Only

In 2005-2008, the Beijing Cultural Heritage Protection Center conducted the Mengma Archive Project – a cultural revitalization project in the Mengma Village of Menglian county, Yunnan. The project empowered local villagers to document their invaluable culture, and also helped restore self-respect in their community.


3月14日 16:00-18:00




March 14, 16:00-18:00

Artists Talk: Domestic Strategy

La suite / Entry Free / Chinese & English

Parallel with H.H.Lim’s solo exhibition Gone with the Wind, UCCA is inviting the artist to discuss the situations we are influenced by and share the idea "declare war on daily life" through his special expression.


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