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艺术中国 | 时间: 2010-03-16 16:54:48 | 文章来源: 艺术中国

3月25日 14:00-15:30

【文化项目】“中国新设计”系列 21:北京电影学院第九届动画学院奖展映及对话



March 25, 14:00-15:30

【Culture Program】Series “China New Design” 21: The 9th B.F.A. Animation Academy Awards Screenings and Dialogue

Auditorium / Entry Free / In Chinese Only

Held annually, the Animation Academy Awards is a professional animation prize, founded by the Beijing Film Academy (B.F.A.) Animation College in 2001.


3月26日 10:30-12:30



3月底,我国第一部系统展示野生熊猫生存史、家庭史、遗传史、情感史的系列纪录片“超级熊猫Real Panda”将登陆旅游卫视行者栏目。开播前,旅游卫视将联合UCCA举行节目开播首播式,并启动网易超级熊猫1+1官方网站,进行“超级熊猫——明星带你探熊猫”全国网友招募活动。

March 26, 10:30-12:30

【Press Projects】UCCA-The Travel Channel:Press conference on “Real Panda 1+1”

Auditorium / Entry Free / In Chinese Only

A new ten episode documentary series “Real Panda” will be on air on at The Travel Channel. It is the first TV programme which documents the life stories of undomesticated panda in China. The launch screening will be held at UCCA and the creator of this programme will share some behind-the- scene stories with the public.


3月27日 14:00-15:30




March 27, 14:00-15:30

【Culture Program】Series “China New Design” 22: Tangible Time

Auditorium / Entry Free / In Chinese Only

The furniture brand BANMOO will share with audiences the process of creation in development. Let’s gain a new appreciation for these designs and re-visit lost memories with this creative brand.


3月27日 16:00-17:30

【媒体项目】UCCA-三联生活周刊合作系列:“三联沙龙”2010 - 3: 现代性与中国——拯救男孩



March 27, 16:00-17:30

【Press Project】UCCA-Sanlian Lifeweek Cooperation Series: Sanlian Salon 2010 - 3: Modernity and China - Saving Boys

Auditorium / Entry Free / In Chinese Only

The book Zheng Jiu Nan Hai (Saving Boys) is Sun Yunxiao’s masterpiece, who is a well-known education expert and an influential figure in the Chinese educational circle.


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