
时间:2007-05-08 15:35:03 | 来源:艺术中国



1968年 生于中国重庆,任教于四川美术学院油画系个展

1997 生命寓言 (Schoeni画廊,香港)

2001 偶然存在 (Art Scene China画廊,香港)

2004  钟飙 (Benamou画廊,法国巴黎)

无处不在 (Art Scene Warehouse艺术景仓库,上海)

2006    不期而遇(Chinatoday 画廊,布鲁塞尔,比利时)

Zhong Biao
Zhong Biao(b.1968)

Teacher of the Oil Painting Department of China Academy of Fine Arts

Solo Exhibitions:
1997   The Fable of life, Schoeni Art Gallery, Hong Kong.
2001   A Chance Existence, Art Scene China Gallery, Hong Kong.
2004   Zhong Biao, Benamou Gallery, Paris, France.
       Ubiquity, Art Scene Warehouse, Shanghai.
2006   Chance Encounter, China today Gallery, Brussels, Belgium.

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