
时间:2010-11-20 19:17:30 | 来源:艺术中国





河北师范大学美术与设计学院油画系 系主任

文/ 任剑



Should xu beihong art school invitation, hebei normal university art and design institute oil painting department teachers hold exhibition smoothly. As college between academic exchanges, reflects the hebei normal university art and design institute oil painting department teachers in art creation facing society, face the different cultural phenomenon an open and inclusive stance.

In shijiazhuang such a very special city of immigrants, regional identity feeling and cultural identity are very fuzzy, without apparent artistic genre, nor the art market. In contemporary art "call" is not sensitive to more as a kind of the intellectual type self-examination and perfection. Everybody do art is a habit. Whatever predecessors teachers, or peer, stir, stir segments memory, are trying to put the education well, well, and the art is adamant that both is supreme.

Thanks to hold the exhibitions of xu beihong art school, thank ZhongGuoWang art.

Hebei normal university art and design institute oil painting department chairman

RenJian 2010-11-7 shijiazhuang

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