Since its foundation, Yeungnam University has enhanced a reputation as a prestigious university, with 150,000 graduates who are influential leaders domestically and internationally. Geared with its tremendous potentiality originating from its history and tradition, Yeungnam University is regenerating itself through the"Reinventing Yeungnam" projectalong with a new resolution.
Yeungnam University has the fortune to possess powerful propulsion for the long march to become the finest institute leading the new millenium. It has excellent human resources such as energetic, and creative students, and the renowned and dedicated faculty, as well as the state-of-the-art facilities and well-organized administrative systems on the widest and the most beautiful campus in Korea.
The slogans of the"Reinventing Yeungnam", "Hope for Student, Honor for Faculty, Heart for Staff, Help for Community,"imply that while adhering to the principles and norms, we will create a friendly and spirited atmosphere for the effective interactions and dynamics in the campus-community. We will also do our best to be qualified for competence with the other global schools.
I would like to invite you to our challenging journey and expect you to support us with warm interest and love for the future of Yeungnam University. 地址:大韩民国 庆尚北道 庆山市 大洞 214-1 岭南大学校 TEL:+82-53-810-2114 FAX:+82-53-810-2036 E-mail:mailto:engadmin@yu.ac.kr Website:www.yu.ac.kr |