【9、优秀的设计是关注环境的。Good Design is concerned with environment.】设计能够对保护环境起到极大的贡献。让产品在整个生命周期内减少对资源的浪费,降低对自然的破坏并且不要产生视觉污染。 Design must contribute towards a stable environment and a sensible use of raw materials. This means considering not only actual pollution, but also the visual pollution and destruction of our environment.

(606 通用搁架, 1960,Dieter Rams为Vits 公司设计)
【10、优秀的设计是简洁的。Good Design is as little design as possible.】简洁,但是要更好–因为它浓缩了产品所必须的具备因素,剔除了不必要的东西。 “大道至简,返璞归真” Back to purity, back to simplicity.

(L 2扬声器, 1958,Dieter Rams为博朗公司设计)