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Dieter Rams 迪特·拉姆斯现代设计原则 |
艺术中国 | 时间: 2011-10-25 09:31:44
| 文章来源: 视觉同盟

1. 好设计是创新的 Good Design is innovative It does not copy existing product forms, nor does it produce any kind of novelty for the sake of it. The essence of innovation must be clearly seen in all functions of a product. The possibilities in this respect are by no means exhausted. Technological development keeps offering new chances for innovative solutions.

2. 好设计让产品有用 Good Design makes a product useful
非可用勿扰 A product is bought in order to be used. It must serve a defined purpose – in both primary and additional functions. The most important task of design is to optimise the utility of a product.
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