关于菲利普•萨科瑟 (Philippe Saxer)

时间:2012-03-28 14:05:01 | 来源:艺术中国

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菲利普•萨科瑟(Philippe Saxer)先生是一位被越来越多的瑞士和国外圈内人士所熟知的艺术家。本文附后的个人履历和展览介绍展现了他的成长历程和作品的质量,正如某日本画廊的宣传册中所述:“他参加了一系列的个展或者群展,包括在瑞士圣高尔市拉格豪斯博物馆(Museum im Lagerhaus in St. Gall)所展出的回顾展。菲利普•萨科瑟从孩提开始作画,毫无疑问他把此作为职业,他喜欢卡通,但那时的瑞士还不能学到这种非主流的绘画技术。他后来学习艺术玻璃的设计和制造,1983年他18岁时创作的三件玻璃作品被瑞士玻璃艺术博物馆购买和收藏。1987年,他突患重病,几经周折最后在瓦尔多市(Waldau)精神疗养院收治。他开始了全身心的绘画创作,他的病房里充满了各样的作品,后来被推荐进入奥托•佛立克(Otto Frick)先生所领导的瓦尔多室内绘画工作室。在那儿,菲利普于1995年创作了几幅大幅作品。现在,他在伯尔尼郊外的一套公寓内生活并不停地作画,这成为他活下去的理由……”

Philippe Saxer is known as an artist to a growing number of insiders in Switzerland and abroad. The enclosed CV and exhibition overview show his track record and the quality of his work. This is also reflected in a statement in the booklet of a Japanese gallery:

“He had dozens of exhibitions; solo and group, including a retrospective with catalogue in the Museum im Lagerhaus in St. Gall. Philippe Saxer started drawing already as a child. There was no question that he would not take art as a profession. He liked cartoons, but that was an artistic sideline he could not learn in Switzerland at that time. Thus he did, after rejecting the opening for an apprenticeship as a graphic designer, an apprenticeship as a glass artist: one who creates glass paintings by cutting the glass and putting the pieces in lead forms. He was so successful that already in 1983, when eighteen years old, the Swiss Glass Art Museum in Romont purchased three of his works. Then, in 1987, he was struck by illness. He entered several clinics and finally came to the Waldau . There he started drawing. When his room in the clinic was overflowing with works, he was referred to the Waldau internal painting workshop led by Otto Frick. Here Philippe did several large paintings in 1995. Philippe Saxer, who has lived for several years in his own apartment in a village outside of Bern, considers drawing and painting his reason to live.”

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