两个人的故事(一) 120×150cm 收藏级艺术微喷 2008年
题目《两个人的故事》 尺寸:150cm*120cm
我的作品是表达当代社会下的新的爱情观,现在的爱情模糊了价值取向,模糊了精神取向甚至模糊了性别取向,同性,同居,不欢而散,仿佛真挚已经不是那么的重要,人们变得自私,迷失,不安全感漂泊感无处不在,不会相信纯粹的爱情。双方自私的欲望使得彼此的爱情变得不满足,是一个精神扭曲的有着自虐式的爱情观的时代,有时候忘我的去奉献自己,但是这种奉献已经变得扭曲,甚至自我摧残,恋爱双方变成情感与压力的发泄对象,并且一直互相承受着。浮躁、偏激、矫情是我们现实的爱情生活中的通病,我希望能用我的摄影语言去讲述当代社会共有的爱情故事。 作品分为三组每组四张

两个人的故事(二) 120×150cm 收藏级艺术微喷 2008年
Title: "The story of two people" Dimension: 150cm*120cm
The Idea:
My work is to express the new concept of love in modern society.
The core of the new concept of love blurs the boundaries of different sense of value, spiritual and gender orientation with homosexual, cohabited and detached male and female individuals scattering all around us.
As if sincerity is no longer an important part of modern culture, people become more selfish, lost, wandering, lacking the sense of security and do not believe in true love any more.
People become more and more selfish when it comes to love, their desire more and more difficult to be satisfied.
Sometimes, the lovers dedicated into each other. But, this kind of dedication is not the true dedication...it is just a kind of distorted possession. A distortion to themselves. Love becomes a kind of abreaction of emotion and pressure. Both sides of the love have fall into the victims of this kind of torture.
Fickleness, craziness and affectation are symbols of love in modern society. I told my version of the modern love story through my camera .
Works can be divided into three groups with four of each:
The first group To express the ideal state. The loving person will fancy their love. In the beginning, they put all wonderful fantasies into their love dream. But this kind of fantasies are shattered. It is corrupting inside the real world.
The second group To express the reality. In real life, there is no fantasy, but unhappiness with struggle, disease, disaster and jealousy.
The third group To express the great escape. A person might quit from a love affair, but he will not quit his dream. he will quit one love and try to search another. He is so eager to seize the hope of the ideal state.

两个人的故事(三) 120×150cm 收藏级艺术微喷 2008年