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艺术中国 | 时间: 2008-11-19 14:07:14 | 文章来源: 艺术中国










  The Concept of “Telltale Paintings”

  Men of letters have fit in verse to painting since ancient times: pavilions by mountains and waterside kiosks are shown by light strokes that suggest a written poem, which people are expected to read and understand. From a distance the whole picture seems to be a painting, yet when one looks closely, one can find and read the poem inside. In recent times, the modern Belgian artist, René Magritte, painted a pipe with the caption “This is not a pipe.” To attempt to decipher the artist’s intentions within their paintings has always been fascinating. Works of art never merely lead people to what they apparently see, but drive at the inwardness which hides deep inside them—or at least toward the concept that the artist breathes into and asserts about them.

  As its title implies, this exhibition attempts to investigate and understand some current art creations, and the results of the decoding of their artistic practice. Our participating artists include thirteen Chinese and two Americans: An Xiaotong, Li Jikai, Lü Peng, Ma Liuming, Ma Yanling, Ru Xiaofan, Song Yonghong, Wang Yu, Xiao Feng, Yang Mian, Zhang Qikai, Zhao Nengzhi, Zhou Xianglin, Erin Kornfeld & Charles Schultz. Such a combination creates a maze of introspection and intuition, challenging the viewer to navigate the labyrinth of the artists’ mind and to assign his own meeting.

  The research on the circulation of information of An Xiaotong; the restatement of the personalized world of Li Jikai; the collage of cultural symbols of Lü Peng; the game of identity of Ma Liuming; the differential portraits of Ma Yanling; the balloons of the fashion symbols of Ru Xiaofan; the artistic obsession of Song Yonghong; the classical esthetics of Wang Yu; the cultural jocosity of Xiao Feng; the fashionable treatment of Yang Mian; the oriental philosophy of Zhang Qikai; the cutesiness of Zhao Nengzhi; the ulterior motives out of the clever evasions of Zhou Xianglin; the biography of heros of Erin Kornfeld &Charles Schultz: are these explanations correct, or utterly misguided? Every observer will have his own answer.

  Artists in their work reveal the realm of imagination and dreams, enduing it with rich meanings as if to say “every viewer will find what he needs in it ”. The laymen of art would be impressed by the fantastic appearance; those who uphold technique could proclaim the perfection and justness; the sociologists would see the special responsibilities taken by the artists; art critics assess its place in history of art. This object of the artist’s dreams opens up to all kinds of interpretation. And the artist sees that his work comes to life - once complete and in the public eye - taking on a life of its own out of his control.

  The fifteen artists on display here exhibit differing styles in their craft – forms of creation including paintings, photographs, sculptures and installation. This is going to be an artistic pageant. The audience will have the opportunity of appreciating different styles and quests on art-and to look for the “Tales” told in the “Paintings”.

  Dialogue Space

  October 2008


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