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艺术中国 | 时间: 2009-04-13 16:04:08 | 文章来源: 艺术中国

成立于2008年的宠物同谋{PET CONSPIRACY}终于迎来了自己的第一个专场,这只DISCO PUNK乐队,在成立不到一年的时间里就完成了欧洲巡演及一张EP的发行,PETS有太多的野心,他们的标准是纽约的LCD SOUND SYSTERM,是多伦多的Crystal castle,

是英国的simian mobile disco。。。。。。,,如果你看过他们的现场你就会明白,这绝对不是给摇滚呆瓜和POGO死党准备的礼物,如果你有一件足够时髦的衣服,和一套蹩脚的DISCO舞步,当PET 的偷心小曲从你耳边划过时,身体这时候比心灵更重要!!!这次愚公移山的专场PET还请到中国第一只电子乐队超级市场为他们做开场嘉宾,这次专场PET 将不惜成本的彻底改造音响和舞台灯光设计,因为对PET CONSPRIACY来说音乐就是不惜成本的享受,你准备好你的身体了吗?4月17号来愚公移山一起跳舞!!!!

Formed in 2008, Pet Conspiracy has already done the holy grail of touring for Beijing bands, playing to packed-out audiences in Berlin, Cologne, Budapest and Barcelona at world famous venues. But at home, they’ve been a well kept secret. Although their name is already getting tremendous buzz among Beijing’s music circles, few have yet seen one of their rare performances. Now Pet Conspiracy will bring their uniquely eclectic blend of electro back to Beijing in their first "Coming Out" concert at Yugongyishan. Their performance take influence from such divergent bands as Crystal Castles, Blondie, 30’s era German cabaret, and no holds bar scream along punk rock. Packed full of infectious hooks, their music is fashionably absurd and very danceable. Supported by one of China’s electronica institutions, Supermarket, this show promises to be a place for Beijingers to put on their hipster duds and bounce like a caffeinated bunny. In other words, a good time

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