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艺术中国 | 时间: 2006-06-22 23:52:03 | 文章来源: 中国艺术设计联盟
随着人们对环境意识的增强,竹子作为建筑材料越来越为人们所认识,竹制品也越来越丰富,Bamboo Living 也由此主办了一次竹材料国际建筑大赛,征收全球建筑师及设计师各种各样的竹建筑设计作品,进一步宣传竹建筑的生态优势及技术简易性。
2006 International Bamboo Building Design Competition
An Architecture Design Competition of Structural Bamboo Buildings
"Visionary Designs for Ecological Living"
Some of the winning entries will be chosen for manufacture by
the world's premier builder of international code approved bamboo homes.

This competition has been created to develop new award winning designs for bamboo buildings, raise awareness of the use of certified structural bamboo for building code approved structures, and introduce architects, designers and builders to working with bamboo as a structural material.

There are design categories for different types of bamboo buildings, and winners will be chosen in each design category.
Bamboo Technologies, currently manufacturing 20 models of certified building code approved bamboo houses, is looking for new award winning designs, and has the capacity to manufacture new designs at its bamboo building factory.
Open to architects, builders, designers, students anywhere in the world. Registration deadline is December 31, 2006.
January 23, 2006 Competition First Announcement
December 31, 2006 Competition Registration Due
January 15, 2007 Competition Submissions Due
January 2007 Website Exhibit of Submissions
February 2007 Jury Review of Submission
March 15, 2007 Announcement of Finalists
April 01, 2007 Announcement of Award Winners
April 2007 Awards Receptions and Events
Entries are electronic files submitted by ftp or email.
Juries of experts and notable people are being selected for relevant categories. Events will be planned and announced for winners in January 2007.
Competition is designed for winners in many categories.
• Winning designs may be built by Bamboo Technologies, royalties to designer.
• Overall First Prize $5,000. Second Prize $3,000. Third Prize $2,000.
• Finalists announced on the competition website and can vote on best designs.
• Winning designs will be announced in international publications and media.
• Free stay in a bamboo resort house in Maui, Hawaii.
• Finalists may be included in upcoming book on bamboo buildings.


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