
“所谓现代既是所有时代与之并存。” 此展览的艺术家具有多元的艺术观念和意识形态,他们以当代映射历史,从潜意识角度逼近现实。个人风格强烈,却难以界定、拒绝诉说、游移不定,他们主观、内省,试图审视内心之井的诡秘微澜,神秘的反光折射出在当代全球化的社会、文化的汹涌变革面前变幻莫测的自我的影子。
Shadow and Illusion of Postmodern Fantasy
Post-80s avant-garde artists series exhibitions Phrase III
Amelie Gallery
Curator: Tony Chang
March 1st -April 30th, 2007
Self-contradiction, subjectivity are mentalities of post-80s young generation. Reflected in their art, they exercise a vigorous, irrational approach with subject matters ranging from history to presence, reality to sub-consciousness. In phrase III of Amelie Gallery’s post-80s artists’ exhibition, participating artists Xu Shuo, Jiang Chuan and Zhang ShanShan etc. demonstrate playful and disruptive postmodern fantasy.
Oil painter Xu Shuo is ambitious in his ironic adventure questioning conventional perception of Chinese tradition. Half-naked fairy lady in Chinese folktales rides on pink clouds, holding lily flowers (symbol of female innocence), hidden behind her veiling, shadiness in her eyes are as confrontational as modern women. In Xu Shuo’s privately-decoded new fairytales, outrageous poetry and absurdity interlace, bursting with raw vigor.
Golden Award Winner of 2006 National Art Academies Graduates exhibition, Jiang Chuan paints Chinese opera actress against classic landscape paintings of Song Dynasty (960-1279 A.D.). With an unfocused visual treatment, artist put actress on semi-transparent, illusional surface just like fading ancient mural paintings; the emotion is intensive, sentimental and fragile.
Female artist Zhang ShanShan demonstrates interlaced balance between impressionism and expressionism, her portrayal of intimate female existence is peaceful but bizarre, pleasant whilst striking, which echo the diversity and complexity of modern feminism.
These artists transform history through presence, distort reality with subconscious mirror, and engage themselves in self-indulgent pleasure gazing at the shadow and illusion that are subtle reflection of ideological fragmentation of modern China.