Rising Toward Mysterious Whiteness
《升向白茫茫的未知 》
在展览开幕隔日之4月27日,将在故宫由李铸晋教授主持“书画与现代化 : 书画在现代艺术中的流变与波澜”学术讨论会。藉此展览机会,将借刘国松现象对现代水墨的发展进行历史回眸,全面反思“书画与文艺现代化”的整体问题。探讨五十年来书画在现代艺术的各种冲击下,到底出现什么样的理论与反思?到底产生了什么样的波澜与变化?而我们应在目前的问题上继续推进哪些问题与思考?
展览画册由紫禁城出版社出版, Wilbur Ross 先生夫人赞助。
有关展览之查询,请致电香港+852-2526-9019 北京联络人赵孝萱 13683189113
或电邮香港汉雅轩tzchang@hanart.com或 chhsuan0625@163.com与我们联络。
Press Release
Universe in the Mind: 60 Years of Painting by Liu Guosong
Presented by the Palace Museum with the support of the Consortium Chinese Culture Foundation
Opening: 26th April, 2007, Thursday, 2:30 pm
Exhibition until 26th May, 2007
Opening Hours: 8:30am – 4:30pm
Artist will be present at the opening
Venue: Wu Ying Palace, Palace Museum, Beijing
LIU Kuo-sung, whose career as a leading painter in Taiwan, was born in 1932 in Anhui, China. He moved to Taiwan in 1949 and graduated from the National Taiwan Normal University in 1956.
In the 1960s in Taiwan Mr. Liu proposed to “modernise Chinese painting” by abandoning its attachment to traditional “aesthetics of brushwork and ink-play”. He proposed to “revolutionise the zhong-feng (centre-point) brushwork” and “revolutionise the brush”. Mr. Liu said: “Brushwork simply means dot and line, ink-work means colour tone and surface, and texture-stroke means textural structure.” “Imitating the new is not the same as imitating the old; copying the West is not the same as imitating Chinese masters.”
Inspired by western abstract painting, Mr. Liu established an experimental approach to the artistic medium in order to depart from traditional brushwork and its aesthetic taste. He attempted varied approaches to artistic expression, seeking resolution and breakthrough under the two anchors of “modern” and “ink art”. Through the “Fifth Moon” art society, of which Mr. Liu was founder, calligraphy-painting reform was expanded into an art movement in Taiwan. In the two decades of the 1970s and 1980s Mr. Liu was professor of art at the Chinese University in Hong Kong, and became closely involved with new ink painting outside of Taiwan. In the early 1980s his touring exhibition in China made a strong impact on the emerging creative scene, establishing a lasting influence. With the concerted efforts of artists from China and abroad modern Ink art has now established itself as an independent art form born of Chinese and western influence. It is both modern and Chinese, culturally grounded and in dialogue with the West.
In presenting the exhibition “Sixty Years a Painter: Retrospective Exhibition of Liu Guosong”, the Palace Museum, as the symbols of the Chinese lineage, signifies the acceptance of the innovative new ink painting movement into its cultural fold. Therefore, it is significant to take the opportunity of this retrospective exhibition to review the historical development of modern ink painting, so as to critically assess broader issues relating to calligraphy-painting and cultural modernisation. It is important to review the theories and strategies that have arisen in the part half century out of response to the growing predominance of modern art.
Fully illustrated catalogue published by the Forbidden City Press, sponsored by Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Ross.
For more information, please contact us at +852-2526-9019, email: tzchang@hanart.com

Purple Sun

Monument 12,
《 矗立之十二 》