Works of Freeman Lau
《椅子戏 第二回》刘小康作品展 @ 精艺轩画廊
Art Beatus Exchange Square
Gallery35-39 Graham Street, Ground floor (near Hollywood Road and Lyndhurst Terrace)
Central, Hong Kong
June 15 to July 3, 2007
Artist will attend the opening ceremony at 6:30 to 8:30pm on June 15, 2007
<椅子戏 第二回> 刘小康作品展
椅子戏第二回的展品当然包括椅,与椅有关的设计品、及限量版而可供日常使用的椅子。刘小康与香港设计中心合作的 [Creation 9707] 计划的设计项目,亦将会在六月廿二日开始同场展出。
精艺轩画廊位于中环嘉咸街35号地铺(近荷李活道与摆花街交界)。如欲访问艺术家或查询展览的详情可电邮 或致电 2522.1138 向Dominic Chan 或 2526.0818 向 Josephine Hau 查询。
画廊开放时间:星期一至六 11:30am-7:30pm 星期日及公众假期休息 Press Release
Freeman Lau plays it out again with chairs in his up-coming exhibition - Chairplay II - at Art Beatus Gallery in mid June. The exhibition, this time, is a continuation of his creative ideas that was put on display two years ago.
Turning ingenious designs into liveable art forms has become an escape for Lau from his hectic daily agenda, overseeing a successful design business as well as performing various public duties.
He says that his conceptual manipulation of chairs starts for one simple reason: chairs are naturally connected to people, as they are essential parts of our daily life. He hopes to connect chairs to people and, at the same time, connect chairs to themselves.
Lau is a leading commercial designer in Hong Kong and the Chairman of the Board of
Directors of the Hong Kong Design Centre.
In this exhibition, Lau will show creative works composed of chairs, models of his conceptual designs and fully functional limited-edition chairs. Some of the exhibits have already been shown in the Tokyo International Art Fair and Taipei International Art Fair.
One third of the sale proceeds from selected exhibition items will be donated to the Hong Kong Design Centre for supporting the promotion of Hong Kong design.
information about this exhibition or to interview the artist, you can e-mail us at, or call either Dominic Chan at 2522-1138 or Josephine Hau at 2526-0818.
Gallery hours: Mon. thr. Sat. 11:30am -7:30pm, close on Sundays & public holidays
Attached Image: Happy People-Happy City, 2006, stainles steel, edn. 1/8, 467w x 160d x 183h mm
