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艺术中国 | 时间: 2008-01-02 14:50:59 | 文章来源: 艺术中国


  蒋冠东,字漫石, 江苏武进人,1944年生于重庆。1992年毕业于清华大学美术学院(原中央工艺美术学院),1984年定居深圳。曾在深圳、香港、台北、维也纳、上海、兰州、北京等地的美术馆举办现代中国画、油画的个展和群展,作品为中国美术馆、上海美术馆、深圳市政府、深圳博物馆、徐悲鸿纪念馆、及日本前首相海部俊树等单位和个人收藏。1988年-1995年由台北卡卡艺术公司代理并提供资助。1994年起在台湾传家艺术国际股份公司每年一度的【中国美术精品拍卖会】上,累创纪录。1995年进入美国古根海姆现代艺术博物馆艺术家观察计划。1997年作品上北京太平洋拍卖。1999年在上海美术馆举行主题展【守望自然-蒋冠东艺术作品展】,获ABI美国传记学会提名为 年度风云人物1999”,入编美国【国际杰出领导人物指南第九辑】。

  2000年、2002、2004年入选深圳第二、第三、第四届国际水墨画双年展。1989年入选广东省美展,2000年、2002年入选广东省第二届、第三届中国画展,并获铜奖。2003年入选北京【今日中国美术大展】。艺术论文【如何踢出中国当代艺术的中锋】获《中国美术论文集》二等奖。2004年,作品由香港一画廊代理、2005年,其甲骨抽象水墨作品,由美国纽约苏荷SoHo却尔西CHELSEA(阿格拉画廊(Agora Gallery)代理,进入海外和西方收藏界、文化界。2006年旅美,在纽约苏荷`却尔西`哈佛`哥伦比亚大学进行国际交流和展出。



  Artist Jiang Guandong: CV

  Beginning life in the Chongqing, Sichuan Province of China in 1944, Jiang Guandong’s childhood was spent in transit, relocating often and with a long-lasting effect on the artist. Now based in Shenzhen since 1984, the artist’s experimental art work integrates concepts of ancestry and culture via contemporary Western culture while simultaneously accenting traditional subject matter relating to China and the East, such as Chinese Taoism, Chinese calligraphy, seal-cutting, and a focus on Oracle-bone inscriptions. “The integration of symbolic logic and wash and ink with oracle bone characters originates from atomic logic philosophy,” writes Guandong, “…[I] write the oracle bone characters with ink on the white rice paper, deconstructs the characters with light ink, then a logic formula is written.” In addition to the inclusion of logic principles and Taoist concepts, mathematics also play a role in the work, via formulaic logic.

  Guandong graduated from the Central Academy of Art at Tsinghua University in 1992, and is a member of the Social Personality Working Committee of the China Social Working Association, the Guangdong Provincial Fine Arts Association, and director of the Shenzhen Fine Arts Association.

  Main Personal Shows

I985-1995 Sponsored by Taipei Kaka Fine Arts Ltd.
1989 Shenzhen Museum
1994 Apollo Gallery, Taipei Chuanjia Arts Company
1995 Shenzhen Art Gallery
1999 Shanghai Art Gallery
2000 Lanzhou Museum

Main Group Shows

1989 Guangdong Fine Arts Show (Guangzhou)
1990 Fine Arts Shows in Memory of the 10th Anniversary of Shenzhen Special
Economic Zone
1991 Contemporary Chinese Landscape Paintings Show (Wuhan/Shenzhen)
1992 The 1st China Arts Fair (Guangzhou)
2000. Fine Arts Show in Memory of the 20h Anniversary of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone (Beijing, China Fine Arts Gallery)
Soul of Chinese, National Show of 500 Calligraphy & Painting Masters, Guangzhou2nd Shenzhen Int’l Wash Show Biennial, ShenzhenGuangdong Province 2nd Chinese Painting Show, Zhuhai
2001 Guangdong Province 3rd Chinese Painting Show, Shenzhen
2002 3rd Shenzhen Int’l Wash Show Biennial, Shenzhen
2003 Guangdong Province 2nd Contemporary Oil Painting Show, Guangzhou
2004 “China’s Fine Arts Today” , Chinese Shijitan Arts Gallery, Beijing
2005-2006 Wash and ink on oracle bone scriptures exhibited in Agora Gallery (Soho, Chelsea) New York.
Collection by the Public Organizations

China Fine Arts Museum,
Shanghai Fine Arts Gallery
Changjiang Fine Arts Museum
Shenzhen Museum
Memorial Hall of Master Artist Peon, Yixing
The General Office of Shenzhen Municipal Government

1. 2nd Prize for paper titled How to perform a good contemporary artist leader: The Artistic Value of the Pacific Times, which was published in China Fine Arts Papers

2. Copper Prize, Guangdong Province 3rd Chinese Painting Show


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