
时间:2011-11-28 13:24:12 | 来源:艺术中国





Mood No. 4

A naked woman, alone in an empty room, holding herself aloof from world, not crowded or narrow, no fierce competition, but in a state of idling about, self-appreciating, bored to death and at a loss… that’s what I would like to convey about solitude and loneliness. People often act in this way: when they are almost suffocated in a dense place, they will long for loneliness; if they feel the unbearable loneliness, they would turn to somewhere dense. Denseness is the characteristic of cities, but it would be unbearable when it becomes too much; people will be relaxed in a quiet corner alone, but loneliness is something against human nature. The contradiction is the dilemma of human nature. What Mood No. 4 presents is just the loneliness of city people in a corner.

Yang Guoqiang

November 2011 in CAFA

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