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艺术中国 | 时间: 2007-06-26 10:09:37 | 文章来源: 美术同盟




开幕时间:2007年6月23日,星期六 下午2:00


展览地点:北京市朝阳区酒仙桥路2号,798大山子艺术区2号院,潜 •空间(红门画廊对面)

联络电话: 010-64337416  13911195654


Potential Gallery Cordially invites you to join the opening reception of 1st International Ceramic Jewelry Show. Looking forward to seeing you soon at Saturday afternoon.


Opening Reception: June 23th, 2007, 2:00PM Exhibition Time: June 23th to July 7th, 2007

Venue: Potential Gallery 798 Dashanzi art center , No.2 Jiu Xianqiao (Opposite to Red Gate Gallery )

Contact: 010 64337416/ 13911195654

Potential Gallery Cordially invites you to join the opening reception of 1st International Ceramic Jewelry Show, at 2:00PM of June 23th,

Phone: 010 6433 7416 Looking forward to seeing you soon at Saturday afternoon



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