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色彩的魔方 西班牙艺术家Marta个展

艺术中国 | 时间: 2008-02-29 09:03:00 | 文章来源: 美术同盟








        现代艺术的诞生,一直就与悲怆的美学范畴相关,随着时间的推移,尤其是杜尚“小便池”作品的问世,不再追求对美的视觉表现,丑、荒诞的美学观念更成了当代艺术的认知密码。西班牙女艺术家Marta 的作品以架上绘画为主,她的作品一反当代艺术的定律,愉悦的色调占据着画面的主旋律。在当代艺术的大艺术环境下,Marta 始终坚持着自己的绘画基调,以色彩的张力和绘画语言的纯粹性为基点,进行着有关美的创造。

        Marta Andreu,1972年出生于西班牙巴塞罗纳,幼年开始习画。第一次见到她的作品,是在去年举办的中国国际画廊博览会上,首先被她作品扑面而来的色彩张力所冲击。Marta 一直很强调色彩的表现力,黄色、红色和蓝色是她作品的主色调。

        Marta 是一位很有个性的女性艺术家,在艺术上,她总是不断探索,不断创新。在艺术创作的早期,她深受现代艺术绘画的影响,尤其是毕加索、米罗等艺术家的影响。尤其是毕加索“立体主义”的绘画风格直接影响了她的造型语言。随着对艺术的进一步理解和认知,她的绘画风格不断演变,尤其在艺术手法和表现形式上的突破。2005年,Marta 从西班牙来到了上海,被中国传统文化的纯粹性和传统物质材料所吸引,在原有艺术语言的基础上,她试图在表现形式方面将中西方的绘画语言有意进行链接,她通常先用西方油画的造型语言塑型,然后将中国一些传统材料如珍珠、丝绸、针织布料等在画面上进行粘贴和拼贴。Marta 相信绘画是一种交流的语言,叙述着无法用言语描绘的心灵世界,更进一步说,绘画是一种心灵的交流,绘画表达的不是已知世界,而是一种意识感知。在上海,绘画充斥着她的整个生活,用Marta自己的话来说,绘画已经成为她生命的一部分。

        在本次展览上,Marta 将展出30余件的作品,共包括4个主题:magic,rose,acrylic,oil,这些作品基本是近两年的新作,大部分都是在国内完成的,只有一小部分创作于西班牙。此次展览将全面呈现艺术家Marta Andreu 近两年来的艺术面貌,希望本次展览在呈现艺术家独特美学理念和艺术创作观念的同时,更促进中西方文化上的展示和交流。


Magic cube of color

The modern art was born with the sorrowful aesthetic category all the time. As time goes on, especially when the works of Marcel Duchamp(1887-1968) which titled Mutt had been presented to the public, visualization of beauty is no longer the only pursuit of aesthetics. Ugliness and absurdity has been recognized and has become the main theme of contemporary arts. Spanish female artist Marta’s work consists mainly of easel pictures. In contrary to the current trend of modern art, she presents a joyful hue in her paintings. Marta keeps to her own style, creating beautiful art works with purity and tension of color.

Marta Andreu, born in 1972 in Barcelona Spain, started learning painting since young. It was at the China International Gallery Exhibition last year that the Chinese people have for the first time seen and shocked by her paintings and the tension of color in them. Emphasizing the expressiveness of color, Marta uses golden, red and blue as main hue in her work.

Marta is a female artist with specific character. She is continuously seeking in her art creating. In the early period of creating, she was effected strongly by the artists of modern art such as Pablo Picasso(1881~1973) and J. Miro(1893-1983), especially the Cubism of Picasso. Her painting style developed and broke through in the manners and forms of expression when she recognized and understand art step by step. Marta was attracted by the traditional culture and the pure of the art material in China when she came to Shanghai from Spain in 2005. She attempted to establish contact of painting between China and the West on the form of expression. She always uses oil painting first then adds the Chinese traditional material such as pearl, silk, and knit goods together. Marta considers that painting is a kind of languages in communication and it can depict the spirit world which is not able to express by using writings. In other words, painting is a way of communication of soul, and expresses the unknown world. When she lives in Shanghai all her life is full of painting. Marta said once that painting is an important part in her life.

At this exhibition, Marta will present about 30 pieces of her recent work, categorized into 4 themes: Magic, Rose, Acrylic and Oil. Most of these works were created in China within the past 2 years, the rest were painted in Spain. This exhibition will widely present Marta’s perspectives in arts. We hope to take this change to show the artist’s unique understanding of aesthetics as well as to promote communication in culture between China and western countries.




下一页[专稿] 七巧/ Tangram

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