吕鹏,游园惊梦,2008,中国水墨,230 x 200 cm Lu Peng, Leaving the Garden of Dreams, 2008, acrylic on canvas, 230 x 200 cm
吕鹏个人作品展 开幕时间 五月十日,星期六下午三点至五点 展览日期 五月十日至六月四日,上午十点至下午五点 展览地址:红门画廊 北京崇文门东便门角楼楼上 电话 6525 1005 传真 6432 2624 Redgategallery@aer.net.cn www.redgategallery.com
Leaving the Garden of Dreams Lu Peng Exhibition Dates May 10, 2008 - June 4, 2008 Exhibition Opening Saturday, May 10, 3 - 5 pm Gallery Hours 10 am - 5 pm (Mon - Sun) Address Dongbianmen Watchtower, Chongwen District, Beijing Tel 6525 1005 Fax 6432 2624 E-mail redgategallery@aer.net.cn Website www.redgategallery.com |