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艺术中国 | 时间: 2008-10-29 10:28:15 | 文章来源: 艺术中国

798根 尚 国 际 艺 术 空 间

  根尚国际艺术空间位于北京798艺术区内,是一家致力于发掘与推广中国当代艺术,进行国际间艺术交流的综合艺术机构。根尚国际艺术空间注重作品的原 创性、学术性及当代性,画廊定期举办各种形式的展览,与新加坡、台湾、印尼、美国、英国、德国、意大利等多家文化机构和画廊合作,促进中外当代艺术的沟通与交流,为国内外艺术家提供一个专业而良好的交流平台。

Genssun International Artistrc Space

Genssun International Art Space is located at No. 798 Art Zone in Dashanzi, it is a comprehensive art institution devoted to exploit and spread Chinese modern art development and promote international communication of modern art, and Heiqiao International Artist Communication Studio is established under it. Genshang International Art Space pays attention to the originality, academic quality and contemporary of artworks and the gallery periodically holds different forms of exhibitions. It cooperates with cultural institutions and galleries in many countries such as Singapore, Indonesia, America, Britain, Germany and so on to promote the communication of modern art at home and abroad and provide domestic and foreign artists with a professional and good platform for communication.

根 尚 国 际 艺 术 空 间

Genssun International Art Space


Add: The 797 street, 798 Art Zone, No. 2, Jiuxianqiao Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing City



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