四合院里de雕塑 新锐艺术家群展
In A Courtyard: Group Exhibition of Cutting Edge Sculptors
开幕时间:2009年3月7日18 00
策 展 人:陈璇
地 点:北京市东城区东皇城根南街6号(沙滩路口东南角)
联系电话:13621268304 010 - 65864285
Exhibition Opening: 18:00 7th Mar 2009 Exhibition Duration: 7th Mar-7th Apr 2009 Host: Goncharova Gallery Curator: Chen Xuan (Nicole) Artists Include: Huang Zhitao, Li Shiwei, Lv Qiongfei, Tang Yong, Zhang Hua, Yang Tao Add: No.6 Donghuangchenggen Nanjie. Dongcheng District For Directions:13621268304 010 - 65864285 艺术家的作品涵盖雕塑、油画等多种艺术媒介。本次展览也是我画廊在2009年的首个展览。展览关注的是当代雕塑艺术品与四合院独特建筑空间的重组,寻找新出路的实验性展览,关注的是艺术家和观众感性的体验方式,试图通过面向未来的角度来体现当代艺术的多样性和继续实验的可能。
The art exhibited includes sculpture and oil on canvas.This is the first exhibition held by Goncharova Gallery in 2009. Focusing on the integration of sculpture into its courtyard environment, while venturing on new paths in the realms of experimental exhibition. Excavating the impressions thats left with the audience derived from the perceptual senses of the sculptors allows and exhibits.