Wayan Suja_ Colorful Smile #2 _150x200 cm_Oil on Canvas_2008-2009
South East B(l)ooming
Artists: Alfredo Esquillo, Lyra Garcellano, Nona Garcia, Yee I-Lann, Ketut Moniarta, Emmanuel Santos, Yasmin Sison, Wayan Suja, Wire Tuazon and Mahendra Yasa
Following the extraordinary success gained for its first staging at Primo Marella Gallery in Milan, Marella Gallery Beijing has now the great pleasure to present the exhibition “South East B(l)ooming”, which will show a selection of works that are highly representative of the South-East Asia artistic scene.
Indeed, “South East B(l)ooming” refers to the great success experienced by such artists, but also to the aware and matured blooming of South-Eastern art.
It is a highly ambitious project that aims to bring to China a consistent group of artists coming from Philippines, Indonesia and Malaysia.
Some of the artists already boast participations to events of great importance - such as the Venice Biennale – while others are emerging artists dealing with their first important international presentation.
The works presented in the show include mainly paintings and photographs; influential curators and experts working in those territories contributed to this project, each of them concentrating specifically on one of the three geographical areas.
Among them can be named: Rifky Effendy (Indonesia), Ronald Achacoso (Philippines), Simon Soon (Malesia), coordinated by Eleonora Battiston.
Opening Date: April 25th, 5pm
Exhibition Dates: April 25th – June 30th
Venue: Marella Gallery Beijing, 798 Art Factory Beijing

gede mahendra yasa - fucking affandi - oil on canvas_ 150x200cm_ 2008