卢曦 LU Xi 对岸 The Opposite Bank 布面油画 2007 172x130cm
开幕酒会/Reception:2009.05.23 15:30
展览地点/Venue:玉兰堂 北京市朝阳区酒仙桥路2号院3818库
LINE GALLERY 3818 Warehouse, 2 Jiuxianqiao Rd, Chaoyang Dist, beijing
策展人/Curator:赵塑/ZHAO Sue
I was born in 1980s in Xi’an. As a member of the first generation of family planning, I grew up with my doll.
Our family moved to the living quarters of Railway Hospital when I was four. Behind our apartment was a field of rape flower. We went for walk along with many other families when the flowers blossomed in the spring. Then the kindergarten, school and soft drink factory were built one after one. The field was replaced by a cement playground. My little friends and I used to play rough around the playground with a bottle of soft drink from the soft drink factory in each one’s hand. At that time we always looked down from the 10th floor of the hospital. But now, I will faint even looking down from the 3rd floor.
I broke my leg and could only walk with a stick at the beginning of my second school year in Xi’an Fine Arts Academy. I was forced to stay at home for 2 months and missed the first sketch journey, which made me feel the ability of walk is really a gift from heaven.
After graduation, I had painted mural and went to Beihai and Baise in Guangxi. In there, I enjoyed my seaside life in the daytime and painted underwater world under ultraviolet lamp in the night. In the under-constructing aquarium, several technicians were making a just caught shark into specimen. Right aside was a decayed dolphin in the formalin tank. At that time, I had to survive dried huss and huss soup as everyday meal.
I came to Beijing in the summer of 2006. From then on I put all my energy into painting. Gradually I recalled my roly-poly, bad-boy-looking panda bear, plastic tablecloth; the bumper car which I never felt bored to play, that open-air pool. I believe the memory of that period will never fade. I can still remember that day, when I was still in the kindergarten, a kid turned over the steel cradle I was in. It broke a nail of mine. My teacher carried me to the hospital and sent me home, it was a rainy day...For a period of time, after finished my homework, I along with my little friends would peep at grow-ups dancing "two-step" in the auditorium. There was always a colorful light lighting on one couple of them, made everything mysterious and quiet.
Revive my old memory, paint the thing once I have, the event once I experienced, no matter they are joyful or sorrowful. I am not just painting, but enjoying the sweetness and bitterness of my dust-laden memory and try to recall everyone's childhood and their long lost past.