开幕时间:2009年8月8日 下午4:00
开放时间:周一至周日,上午10:00 ——下午5:00
Fake Authenticity -Wu Mingzhong Solo Exhibition
Curator: Huang Du
Organizer: Today Art Museum
Opening: 4:00pm, 8th August, 2009
Duration: 9th August – 22nd August, 2009
Opening hours: 10:00am - 5:00pm,Monday - Sunday
Venue: The 2 nd floor exhibition hall of building No.1, Today Art Museum
Address: Pingod community, No.32 Baiziwan Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing
Fake Authenticity:Wu Mingzhong Solo Exhibition
Curator: Huang Du
Wu Mingzhong is one of most important and influential artist in recent years. From his fragile emotional experience, He has stumbled upon the glass as a medium to reflect the psychological connection of man, with the conversion of concept he has transformed it into a new artistic language - the fragility and transparency. The language became the aesthetic core of Wu Mingzhong’s painting, it not only reflects the analysis of people’s fragile psychology, but also presents the implication of transparent sociology. If we say that the former evokes more personalized feeling on visual perception, then the latter is more emphasis on the analysis of social system.
Recently, he has also tended to quest the significance of transparency, subjectively he has extended the direct or indirect implication of glass transparency, which has associated with the democracy, freedom, supervision, openness, commonality and affiliation, the reasonable efficiency of transparency became a surgery to the community– public opinions, supervision and mandatory rules, had disclosed and eliminated the villainous root that comprises the dictatorship, manipulation, conspiracy, crime, concealment and corruption. In fact, Wu Mingzhong has expanded the transparency to the contrast of toughness and fragility, falsity and authenticity, his paintings have clearly delivered the contrast – contradiction and conflict, solid and crispness, toughness and fragility, freedom and dictatorship, justice and conspiracy, kindness and evil. All of these are result from his ingenious and dynamic management of artistic language.
Wu Mingzhong's painting has some sort of intermixed characters, so it is difficult to define the attributes of its style, which undoubtedly represents a sort of mood of new painting in 21st century.
Gallery Beijing Space
Red Yard No.C4 ,Caochangdi art district, Chaoyang, Beijing
Fax : +86 10 51273246 Tel: +86 10 51273246