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艺术中国 | 时间: 2009-09-07 17:38:40 | 文章来源: 艺术中国


王維詩: 空山不見人 (行草中堂) Seeing no man in the empty mountain133 x 65.5 cm 1996


王維詩:清淺白石灘 (行草中堂)Creek of White pebbles 133 x 64.5 cm 1996


王維詩:一身能擘兩雕弧 (行草中堂)Opening two bows at once 137 x 66.5 cm 1995


王維詩:與君青眼客 (行草條幅)Drinking with an old friend 133 x 33.5 cm 1996


無我之境(大斗方) Stage of Selflessness 68.5 x 67.5 cm 2007


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