演出时间 / 2009.年9月19日 下午4:30
时长 / 25分钟
导演 / 陈宝宏
策划 / 邢隽隽
演员 / 徐一宾 燕子 赵逊 高文
Experimental Verse Play Performed in the same period —— Fragment openning / 2009 . 9 . 19 4:40 pm
Duration / 25 minutes
Creative Group
Director / Chen Baohong
Executive Producer / Xing Juanjuan Actors / Xu Yibin RollergirlLois Zhao Xun Gao Wen
本剧借用戏剧的形式,通过纯人声和不插电乐器的声音之美,在视觉上呈现象征主义的、唯美简约的舞台效果。表现人类和动物共同生存的环境问题, 探讨芸芸众生的存在及其价值等最根源性的哲学问题。尤其是在21世纪的今天,我们人类——一群怀揣着“人类中心主义”偏见的地球生物种群,在茫茫宇宙中存在的价值和意义,从人类在地球上的盲目而荒诞的生存方式,以及带给包括我们人类自身及其他地球生命的悲剧性的灾难后果这两个角度分析,对其自身过往的行为及奉行的哲学意识形态进行理性反思和无情批判,已经变得越来越必要和迫切了!
Synopsis of Experimental Verse Play
This is a verse play.
With man’s voice and non-electronic instruments’sound,this drama shows fantastic symbolic stage effect.Through the discussion of human and animal’s living environment and relevant problems ,we try to find the true relationships among human、 universe, and the essential value of human being’s exsitance as well.However, as a group of self center human being,it is very serious and urgent for us to reflect on our past behavior and philosophical ideology from two aspects:for one thing , value human’s existance;for another, decrease damages we made to the earth .