Remarkable Taiwanese Artists Group Shows
Taiwan has inherited the great Chinese cultural legacy, and given its exceptional historical circumstances and the impact of numerous foreign influences on its culture, it has produced a number of outstanding artists. The artistic climate in Taiwan features great diversity, and the tremendous creativity that it fosters is giving its artists a dynamic presence in the international scene.
We can roughly divide these artists into two groups: The outstanding new talents are those developing artists who have already shown great potential, while the classic artists we present are those whose art has already achieved a significant degree of success and international recognition. On this basis we present these artists in two groups, the better to introduce to an international audience these outstanding artists of Taiwan.
吴丁贤: 抽象的极简风格,有别于一般色彩艳丽的作品,看似简单的画面,其实开始是粗旷浓烈的色彩,再以一层层的白色将多余的色彩慢慢覆盖。最近他将水墨与书法线条融入,更具韵味。观赏他的画作是一种与观者心灵间的对答,具有无限想象空间,是纯净而高品味的现代创作。
许敏雄: 他的创作,呈现出人与都市、人与自然的关系,纯真赤子之心的追求,对心灵净土的渴望。他的作品里常常隐藏了许多讯息,在画面的某个角落,藏着某件有趣的东西或可爱的动物,有如寻宝,每次看画都会有不同的乐趣与感悟。
詹金水: 将中国山水与西方的油画媒材加以结合,利用特殊的渲染与薄膜技法,巧妙的将传统的气韵生动,以崭新现代的方式表现出来,西藏雪山积雪消融的山岩,他表现得自然而贴切。
黄鋐彬: 是首先利用电脑来创作纯艺术的先驱者,打破计算机只用于设计工作的成见,天马行空的想象,艺术性都能完整的呈现,挣脱媒材的束缚。
李山大: 他本人强调他的构思是来自某些影像。就是说,来自一些停止或流动的画面。以当代的文化产物为吸取来源。李山大作品的主题是以衣服与身体相关性作为暗示与启发。
New Talents:
Wu TingHsien: Working in a minimalist abstract style, Wu's work is filled with his unique sense for beautiful color. His apparently simple compositions begin with rough, intense hues to which he adds layer after layer of white to gradually obscure any superfluous color. The atmosphere of Wu's recent work has been enriched with the addition of elements borrowed from ink-wash painting and calligraphy, and viewers respond to the broad, imaginative vistas of this artist at an emotional or spiritual level. Wu Dingxian's work displays a modern style of great purity and refinement.
Xu MingHsiung: The art of Xu Minxiong shows man in relation to his urban and natural environments in paintings that display the searching of an innocent heart and the desire for a place of spiritual serenity. His work seems to send a number of messages, often through items hidden in a corner of a painting or the appearance of captivating animal forms. Repeated viewing of his work reveals hidden gems as each new look brings a different kind of insight and appreciation.
Jan ChinShui: This artist's work joins traditional Chinese landscape painting with the oil medium, in which Zhan's subtle use of special color-wash techniques and thin films of pigment projects the atmosphere and vividness of traditional paintings in a completely new and modern manner. Zhan presents a natural and tasteful view of the melting of deep snows in the Tibetan mountains.
Huang HongBin: One of the pioneers in the use of the computer for the creation of pure art, Huang helped to move beyond the notion that computers were limited to graphic design, and the free-wheeling imagination and artistic quality of his work is given full play in a way that breaks through the limitations of the medium.
Li Suntta: Li acknowledges that his inspiration is derived from specific images he has seen; that is, from specific static or flowing picture images. His work finds its source in the products of today's contemporary culture, and frequently takes as its theme the relationship between clothing and the body, presenting new implications and insights that revolve around these ideas.