参展艺术家:汪天亮,杨培江,雷子人,何唯娜,黄忠祺,李枪,庄健,刘懿,Tran Quang,Huan,Sunmito,Nguyen Trung,Doan Thuy hanh
参展艺术家:汪天亮,杨培江,雷子人,何唯娜,黄忠祺,李枪,庄健,刘懿,Tran Quang Huan,Sunmito,Nguyen Trung,Doan Thuy hanh,分别来自中国,印尼和越南,作品涵盖油画,国画,漆画,漆器和家具多个类别,彰显不同艺术特色:汪天亮的作品表现为《道德经》的“大方无隅,大器晚成。大音希声, 大象无形”的哲学语境,展现出大气、沉寂的艺术效果;杨培江的画用色浓郁而大胆,野性十足,手法洗练,画法狂乱求笔,看上去不拘小节,实际上却是成竹在胸,富于整体感,同时处理颜色的方式受岭南画风的影响,非常有表现性,画面中若隐若现的形象极富感染力的情调;黄忠祺的漆器融合了汉唐风格与现代审美品位;庄健的画在淡妆浓抹间巧妙的捕捉到女性身体的美丽,他明白女人就如黑墨,两种一样的阴性生命,飘忽神秘又独放异彩;雷子人的作品,贯通中西又具有中国浪漫文学传统,对当代审美重新阐释,像超现实的梦幻场景,意境深远;何唯娜以女性的视角表现都市新女性的生存状态,旨在强调生命的美丽与商业社会中的虚幻性追求;Tran Quang Huan空间巧妙地布置,Suminto的童趣,Nyugen Trung笔下越南女子非常富有单纯感和表现力;Doan Thuy Hanh的漆画有很强的民族特色,综合材料的独特运用是他漆画的一大亮点;李枪的版画则以种子系列表达着对旺盛生命力的追求与渴望;刘懿家具的古朴典雅。
RRWR collections’ exhibition will be held in Redrosewhiterose contemporary art gallery on Dec 10th,2009,RRWR was established in Beijing 798 art area on May,2009.The founder of the gallery is Mr Adam who has collection history of 15 years ,He woulk like to exhibit his collections and make people enjoy them befor new year coming,The collections are oil-painting,traditional chinese painting,lacquer painting and lacquer decorations,The time will last one month,It will be finished on Jan 14th ,2010
There are 12 artists from china,indonesia and vietlan,They are WangTianliang,YangPeijing,LeiZiren,HeWeila,Zhuangjian,HuangZhongqi,LiQiang,LiuYI, Tran Quang Huan,Sunmito,Nguyen Trung,Doan Thuy hanh.Echa artists’style is different.WanTianlian’s style is from the ancient chinese philosophy and zen;Yang Peijing has gotten reputation for the bold use of color and perfect and free brushwork, Meanwhile,He has been affected by Ningnan style,His works have abstact expressions and a strong visual appeal,
HuangZhongqi’s works combine the Han-Tan style and moden aesthetics;ZhuanJian has caught the beauty of ladies’body perfectly;
Lei Ziren’s work is link of the eatern and western culture,But also it has Chinese romantic literature tradition ,His works explain the moden aesthetics in another way;He Weilan’s works show the urban ladies’life in terms of the woman; Tran Quang Huan’s works have a pleasing balance of shapes and colours; Suminto’s work has child interest, The lady of Nyugen Trung works is very innocent and has expressions;
Doan Thuy Hanh’s work has always retained a strong geographic and ethnic characteristics, Especiallly the use of the mixed media is very unique;In the LiQiang’s works of the Seed Series,You can find the desire for pursuing strong vitality; LiuYi’s furniture is simple and elegant.