《罂粟No.2》机械装置 138cm x 96cm 材料(水晶,ABS板,不锈钢)2010
地点:今日美术馆 1号馆2层
前卫艺术家许仲敏自2004 年从英国归来后,在很多重要展览中展出了其令人惊叹的系列机械装置作品,如《转山》、《蛋形》、《隧道》、《云》等,给我们带来无限的惊喜与深思。许仲敏的作品承载着对生命的神秘及现实世界多层面的思考和感悟。
Xu Zhongmin Solo Exhibition
Duration: March 27th-April 12th
Venue: 2nd floor exhibition hall of building 1
Avant-garde artist Xu Zhongmin has been presenting many astonishing mechanical installation in various important exhibitions since he came back from UK in 2004. His work of art brings us with endless surprise and insights, such as Rotating Mountain, Egg Shape, Tunnel and Cloud.

《梯》局部,.机械装置 260cm x 400cm 材料,(不锈钢,玻璃钢,机械传动)