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[专稿] 透视——陈素仪作品展

艺术中国 | 时间: 2008-05-12 09:52:55 | 文章来源: 艺术中国

Naked Eyes 透视 01
pingpong balls
plasic faabric
acrylic board
70 x 70 x 70cm



  艺术家将出席开幕式:二OO八年六月六日 下午六时至八时





  如欲访问艺术家或查询展览的详情可电邮或致电 2522.1138向Dominic Chan 或2526.0818向Josephine Hau 查询。
  画廊开放时间:星期一至六 11:30am-7:30pm 星期日及公众假期休息。


Scar 疤痕05, 2008
plastic fabric, wire, ink drawing, 70x45cm


  Naked Eyes
  Works of Pauline Chan

  June 6 to 28, 2008
  Art Beatus Gallery
  35-39 Graham Street,
  Ground Floor, Central, Hong Kong

  The artist will attend the opening reception between 6 to 8pm on June 6, 2008

  Pauline Chan So Yee belongs to the group of young Hong Kong artists who dares to test their limits as well as to reach deep into their creativity, exploring ways to realize what they are eager to share in their works.

  In her up-coming solo exhibition, Naked Eyes, at Art Beatus Exhibition Space on Graham Street near the SoHo Area, So Yee touches on two extremely sensitive areas that are challenging us every day, privacy and mental scars.

  So Yee uses her works to question the deceitful nature of our eyes and to uncover our dread of the omnipresent surveillance lenses. She said, “ I use plastic fabrics and wires to sew up numerous eyeballs and hang them together, keeping these eyes all over us, looking down on us and peeping into our lives.”

  Other works in the exhibition navigate the terrain of mental and physical blemishes that have left on us through past experiences and occurrences. So Yee hopes to smoothen out the scars and to present them in a different perspective that turns defects to merits for appreciation.

  Art Beatus Gallery is located on the ground floor of 35-39 Graham Street, Central, near the junction with Hollywood Road and Lyndhurst Terrace (SOHO Area). For further information about this exhibition or interview with the artist, you can either e-mail us at dyiu@artbeatus.com.hk or call either Dominic Chan at 2522-1138 or Josephine Hau at 2526-0818.

  Gallery Hours: Mon. thr. Sat. 11:30am -7:30pm, close on Sundays & public holidays.

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