高 高 高 200X160cm
红黑历史——盛奇个展 展览地点:安杰当代艺术画廊 展览时间:2008年5月23日-6月22日
安杰当代艺术画廊非常荣幸地为盛奇举办他在上海的第一次个展。 此次展览将持续一个月,从5月23日-6月22日,开放时间为每周二至周日早上11时至晚上7时。
盛奇早年毕业于中央工艺美术学院,是中国当代艺术圈中最重要的艺术家之一。在1989年天安门事件之后,盛奇离开了中国, 在法国居住了几年之后,他又在英国伦敦生活了七年。在伦敦的这七年间,盛奇从享有盛誉的圣马丁艺术与设计学院获取了研究生学位。

盛奇 近照 摄影师Susetta_Bozzi
安杰当代艺术画廊位于上海市中心位置和黄金地段茂名北路39号,威海路和延安中路之间,在一座保持着很多原有特征的老洋房里,面积达300平方米。 这次展览的展期为一个月,从5月23日到6月22日,开放时间为星期二到星期日,早上11时到晚上7时。我们热诚欢迎广大艺术爱好者、藏家及媒体前来参观。
安杰当代艺术最早于2005年成立于伦敦,创始人安迪和王静的初衷是把亚洲当代艺术更多地推广到西方国家去,同时把西方当代艺术介绍到中国来。2006年两人移居上海专职艺术收藏和顾问,并在一年的精心准备后于2007年3月在上海的中心地段开张了实体画廊。 www.andrewjamesart.com
“History in Black and Red” Sheng Qi Solo Exhibition
23rd May – 22nd June 2008
Andrew James Art is proud to announce the first solo exhibition of Sheng Qi in Shanghai. The exhibition will be at Andrew James Art, 39 Maoming Bei Lu, Shanghai, in a period colonial mansion which retains many original features whilst showcasing contemporary art in the 300 sqm space. The exhibition runs from the 23rd May – 22nd June, open Tuesday to Sunday 11am-7pm.
Sheng Qi is one of the most prominent artists in Chinese contemporary art, graduating from the Central Academy of Applied Arts in Beijing. Following the Tiananmen protests Sheng Qi fled China and lived in France before spending 7 years in London where he graduated from the highly respected St Martins School of Art and Design with an MA.
1998 saw Sheng Qi return to his mother land, fresh with ideas and resolute to document the history of China through the medium of art.
This ongoing documentation can be seen in his latest show, the rapid development of city life and the history that predates it. This series of work “History in Black and Red” has been exhibited widely around the world to critical acclaim.
The Vernissage is on the 23rd May from 6-9pm
Andrew James Art can be found at 39 Maoming Bei Lu, near Yan’an Zhong Lu.
Andrew James Art was founded in London in 2005 by Andrew James and Wang Jing to exhibit Contemporary Asian Art and to introduce foreign art to China. In January 2006 they relocated to Shanghai and freelanced as art consultants before finally opening their gallery in February 2007 in central Shanghai. www.andrewjamesart.com |